Ever wonder WHY they do it, or in this case didn't? What do these people have to gain? Money? Are they just lazy? Sadistic?
In a great victory for abused children, Gail Inman of Texas has surrendered her license after allegations/complaints of failing to report child abuse. Gail Inman was a therapist involved in a case where a child was taken from a protective and caring mother. In the usual Parental Alienation Syndrome scam, a young girl was taken from her mother and placed in the custody of an alleged abuser. The judge in the case was Judge Scott Beauchamp who allegedly had some previous questionable relationship with the opposing counsel, Cheryl Snyder, on the case. Also involved in the same case was Dr. John Zervopolous, reportedly known for repeatedly accusing protective mothers of parental alienation syndrome type allegations in case after case, using the same language in amazingly similar psychological evaluations. See this link for more: Zervopolous... MORE
Seed Newsvine
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